There was no lump -- a Breast Cancer blog

This blog is about my experience with Inflammatory Breast Cancer.
You can learn more about Inflammatory Breast Cancer at or

The names of my Doctors have been changed.



Contact me at Liane58 at gmail dot com
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Location: United States

Wednesday, August 25, 2004

Peggy Phlegmy

The short version -- I had a cold, and that turned into a bronchial cough so now I'm taking antibiotics. Have not had any loss of energy or fever or more serious symptoms. Symptoms are now much better.
Long version --
I've been having a lot of congestion for some time. For a while, when the Adriamycin was having so much of an impact on my mouth and throat, it was hard to tell what might be a cold and what were chemo symptoms. But finally the cough turned into coughing something up, rather than just clearing my throat of killed-off cells.
So on Monday I went in to Dr. Smith, who prescribed an antibiotic that only needs to be taken once a day for five days. I am feeling much better, and have been coughing less, but more "productively." Yesterday my roommate pointed out that I had a chunk of "product" stuck to my eyebrow. Good to have a roommate so I don't leave the house looking like that!